Improve product reliability and reduce time to market
Here at Asinda we have a multitude of electronics testing equipment, allowing us to ensure that your product functions perfectly before we dispatch it.
With knowledgeable, well-trained staff we can advise you on all aspects of electronics testing.
With our dedicated test support team and years of experience in testing electronics we can work together with your engineers to improve product reliability and reduce time to market. We can intelligently combine any of our value added testing services, this will improve cost effectiveness and ensure that you can provide a quality assured product for your customers.

Manufacturing and design analysis is carried out on all test procedures; we match test results to PCB weaknesses to ensure that product quality is optimised for all of our customers.
With this data fed back to our production team and your engineering team, we can collectively build better products together.
Efficiently test products and analyse their performance
Using our vast array of testing and analysis equipment we can efficiently test your products and analyse their performance.
This helps us make sure you are 100% happy with the final product and helps us to maintain our high quality standards.
Employing our wealth of experience we can test and analyse your product using testing equipment such as signal generators, multi-meters, oscilloscopes and much more.

Due to the rapid innovative increases in the communications and RF markets that our customers operate within we have upgraded our testing equipment to cater for their needs.
Our two new class leading Tektronix oscilloscopes have significantly increased our capabilities when it comes to testing high speed electronics.
Program, debug, test and analyse your product

As an XJTAG developer we can utilise the JTAG system to program, debug, test and analyse your product all in one process.
The flexibility of this testing system means that we can program your product (FPGA, CPLD, etc…), test the functionality of some or all of the circuit and then finish your product leaving it in a fully calibrated field ready state.
We can provide excellent NPI timescales and total coverage testing using this system.

The XJTAG system is a crucial part of our testing arsenal. With the constant increase in BGA and other non-visible connection devices on PCBAs, JTAG boundary scan testing is the best and only way to test each connection of these devices.
X-Ray inspection we create the total quality assured service for assemblies with BGA components.
The best approach for repeatable, reliable test results
We offer a bespoke test box service where we will work with your engineers to create a custom testing solution for your product.

This is the best approach for repeatable, reliable test results. Bangyan can provide any level of service from a basic power up test to full functionality testing and anywhere in between.

As your products become increasingly complex the test strategy implemented must be more comprehensive and more complex to match this. Focusing on the increasing levels of functionality found on today’s PCB’s we must confirm that we can verify that rich level of functionality from the very start of the product’s life.

With demands for longer product life and increased functionality creating a bespoke test solution for your volume production products is the most cost effective way of certifying that your product performs flawlessly from day one.

A bespoke test solution is the best way to implement a successful testing strategy; this can take into account your product life span, environmental operating conditions and product technology levels.
This is usually a combination of JTAG testing and in circuit testing to create a package with maximum test coverage within the predetermined budget.
Contact US
Phone: 0086-755-3663 2210
Fax: 0086-755-3663 3122
E-mail: sales@asindacircuits.com
Website: http://www.asindacircuits.com
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