How does AI promote pcb technology and industrial upgrading

publish:2024-08-30 16:57:08   views :83
publish:2024-08-30 16:57:08  

According to CPCA statistics from 2018 to 2023E PCB segment compound growth chart can be seen, communications, servers have become the key track for the rapid growth of the PCB industry in the next cycle after PC, smart phones.

The vigorous development and wide application of AI technology has led to an unprecedented demand for high-performance computing chips and AI servers.

the first,AI  requires high data volume and high transmission speed, and this high signal transmission puts higher requirements on the number of layers of PCB and the material grade of CCL used.

second, AI is computation-intensive, resulting in two large heat generation, so PCB design needs to consider a more efficient heat dissipation scheme. For example, improve the PCB design layout, increase the heat sink or heat dissipation channel to achieve.

Third, improve power management capabilities. When a large number of Gpus or Tpus need to be deployed, a more complex power management design is needed to ensure the stability of the power supply.

The PCB board of AI server may require higher component density and more layers, so HDI technology needs to be introduced. The introduction of HDI technology will increase the company's process flow, but also improve the process value added of PCB.

In the face of the requirements of AI technology, from PCB design to production equipment in China, it is also being updated and iterated.

In short, under the incremental background of the AI server market, the upstream and downstream industry chain is undergoing rapid upgrading iterations to meet more complex, high-performance, high-density computing needs.

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